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Climate Resilience: Listen to Impacted Communities During Election Years and Beyond

October 15, 2024

Authored by Juanica Fernandes, Executive Director of State Voices Florida

In the wake of the recent hurricane, many communities in Florida are struggling to recover, especially renters without insurance who have lost possessions and access to essential services.

The impact of the storm has highlighted the urgent need for both immediate relief and long-term investment in climate resilience and infrastructure. State Voices Florida’s approach focuses on addressing the immediate crisis while developing sustainable solutions for the future.

Immediate Needs: Food, Shelter, and Basic Necessities
Many families have been displaced and require immediate support for food and temporary shelter. As we assess the damage, it’s clear that we need to provide direct assistance to those most affected. Immediate relief efforts will focus on supplying food, water, and emergency lodging to those without homes or the means to secure shelter.

Short-Term Solutions: Evacuation Support and Transportation
One of the critical challenges exposed by the storm is the difficulty people face in evacuating. Many low-income families simply could not afford the cost of gas, transportation, or hotel stays. We propose establishing a pre-evacuation support system that provides gas cards, hotel vouchers, and organized transportation options for vulnerable populations in the event of future disasters. This initiative would be coordinated in partnership with local organizations responsible for distributing these resources.

Long-Term Investment: Climate Change Mitigation and Infrastructure
The underlying issue behind many of these crises is climate change. Long-term solutions require significant investment in infrastructure to make our communities more resilient to extreme weather events. This includes not only physical infrastructure but also a comprehensive climate campaign to advocate for policies that address the root causes of these disasters. We are committed to pushing for sustainable practices and improvements in housing, transportation, and disaster preparedness.

Voter Accessibility and Advocacy
In addition to relief efforts, we recognize that the aftermath of the storm further exposed barriers to voter participation. Our partners have consistently advocated for broader access to voting, including deadline extensions and increased voter accessibility, but these requests have been denied. As the state recovers from the storm, we are calling for increased investment in Florida’s voter infrastructure to ensure that every voice is heard and every vote is counted, especially in times of crisis.

Mutual Aid Fund and Distribution
We propose setting up a mutual aid fund to regrant to direct service organizations working on the ground. This fund will support pre-evacuation efforts, including housing, transportation, and gas cards, allowing local coalitions to take responsibility for distributing resources in their communities. This decentralized approach ensures that aid reaches those most in need in a timely and efficient manner.

We urge funders to invest not only in the immediate recovery but also in long-term climate resilience and voter accessibility. We urge election officials to expand access to voter registration and voting locations to help make sure people can cast their ballots and be heard in the face of climate crisis.

Together, we can build stronger communities that are better prepared for future challenges while ensuring that every Floridian has the opportunity to participate fully in our democracy.

— Juanica Fernandes, Executive Director of State Voices Florida