Our 2024 Post-Election Reflections Are In!

Read our 2024 End of Year Report→
Common Dreams news graphic
Featured Post: In the News, “With Project 2025, the State of Future Elections Hangs in the Balance”
Staff from the Nebraska Civic Engagement Table and State Voices national canvass in a Omaha neighborhood to tell residents about the Voting Rights Restoration Coalition's work.
Featured Post: Community Is Worth Fighting For: Unpacking The 2024 Elections
Nebraska advocates stand outside the Nebraska capital building holding signs that read "No wait to participate" and "Yes to second chances."
Featured Case Study: In Nebraska, Nebraska Civic Engagement Table worked in coalition to restore voting rights to thousands


Silver State Voices (SSV) was founded in 2012 as a civic engagement coordination hub amongst progressive 501c3 organizations in Nevada. It is our mission to create a more robust democracy by centering our work with historically underrepresented and marginalized communities because we know that when we uplift the silenced and marginalized, we uplift the entire community. SSV develops infrastructure, fosters collaboration among diverse entities, and employs new tools and technology. SSV believes that democracy works best and its outcomes are most just when the voices of all Nevadans are heard.

Civic Access: Continue to steer Let Nevadans Vote, a coalition of local and national groups dedicated to protecting and expanding civic access; work with election officials and policymakers to advance proactive election policy, block disenfranchisement efforts, and equalize representation

Civic Engagement: Develop, implement, and support a data-driven collaborative plan for deep, robust, and ongoing Voter Registration, Education, and Turnout

Incorporate Best Practices: Expand and maintain Silver State Voices’ capacity to strengthen the nonpartisan civic engagement sector in Nevada