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Featured Post: In the News, “The Future of Our Democracy Relies On Donors.”
A group of voting rights advocates gather in front of the Florida state capitol building in.
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Organizers and advocates with Nebraska Civic Engagement Table helping register college students to vote.
Featured Case Study: In Nebraska, Nebraska Civic Engagement Table is Pushing for Economic Justice and a Living Wage


Ohio Voice is the “c3 table” or “civic engagement table” in Ohio – an affiliate of State Voices nationally.

Our mission is to support and grow the ecosystem of non-profit, non-partisan organizations doing year-round civic engagement with underrepresented communities in order to win progressive governance that will improve people’s lives.

Specifically, we:

1) provide capacity building support ranging from grants to data and digital support

2) staff and support coalitions on broad-based issues including voting rights and tax policy, as well as leadership development racial equity programs

3) analyze Ohio’s landscape and experiment to identify and work on the biggest opportunities and gaps in Ohio’s progressive ecosystem.

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Ohio Voice

Gavin DeVore Leonard, Executive Director

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